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I grew up watching my parents work hard for our family and serve our local community with dedication. My dad a college teacher and my mum a care assistant at the local care home. I want to make that same difference to people as their local representative. 

I have been fortunate to enjoy a successful career so far. I work for the NHS providing business analysis and clinical application support.

I attended my local community school, St Cenydd. I was lucky to be taken on as an apprentice and studied at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. That experience changed my life and as a result I am passionate about ensuring everybody has access to a great education, and most importantly have access to quality apprenticeships. I have been on the school council when a pupil, and a member of the schools Eco Club.

In 2022 I stood as a candidate in the Caerphilly Council elections in my local ward of Penyrheol.



It was an honour and a privilege and stand as a Welsh Conservative candidate for my local ward Penyrheol. Although, unelected the experience and opportunity to meet local residents and discuss their priorities and concerns was refreshing and reaffirmed the reason I wanted to stand.


I want to say a big thank you to all those who voted for me, and voted Welsh Conservative for the first time. There is a clear appetite for change and I will continue to champion the vision and values we hold.

Laura Anne Jones MS with council candidates Brandon Gorman and Robert Lea
Brandon Gorman along side fellow Conservative candidate Kieran Lloyd

Brandon Gorman

©2022 by Brandon Gorman. 

Brandon Gorman is not responsible for the content for external links or websites.

The costs of this website have been met entirely by Brandon Gorman.

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